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Citadel 2010-II B.V.

THIS NOTICE IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take, you are recommended to seek your own financial, legal or other advice immediately from your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other appropriately authorised independent financial adviser.


The date of this notice is 28 March 2013


Citadel 2010-II B.V. (the Issuer)

A private limited liability company (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid) incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands having its corporate seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and its registered office at Fred. Roeskestraat 123, 1076 EE Amsterdam, the Netherlands


EUR 990,650,000 floating rate Senior Class A Mortgage-Backed Notes 2010 due 2042, issue price 100 per cent., ISIN Code XS0528006090

EUR 84,550,000 floating rate Mezzanine Class B Mortgage-Backed Notes 2010 due 2042, issue price 100 per cent., ISIN Code XS0528008468

EUR 136,700,000 floating rate Mezzanine Class C Mortgage-Backed Notes 2010 due 2042, issue price 100 per cent., ISIN Code XS0528012064

EUR 31,100,000 floating rate Junior Class D Mortgage-Backed Notes 2010 due 2042, issue price 100 per cent., ISIN Code XS0528013542

EUR 12,450,000 floating rate Subordinated Class E Notes 2010 due 2042, issue price 100 per cent., ISIN Code XS0528016131


The capitalised terms used in this notice shall bear the same meanings given to them in the Prospectus dated 30 July 2010 for Citadel 2010-II B.V.


Citadel 2010-II B.V. hereby gives notice to all holders of the Notes of the occurrence of the following:


(a)    the Issuer and the Security Trustee have amended the Assignment Notification Event rating trigger of the Mortgage Receivables Purchase Agreement in such manner that the rating trigger is lowered from BBB+ to BBB-;


(b)    the Security Trustee has given its consent to the modifications set forth in the Deed of Amendment of the Mortgage Receivables Purchase Agreement and the entering by the Issuer into such deed.


(c)    the Issuer has been informed that updated information on the Citadel 2010-II B.V. transaction has been placed on the following website of F. Van Lanschot Bankiers N.V.: .


The Deed of Amendment of the Mortgage Receivables Purchase Agreement is available for inspection at the office of the Security Trustee at Frederik Roeskestraat 123, 1076 EE, Amsterdam. For information on the securitisation transaction we refer to the following website:


For more information

Citadel 2010-II B.V.

ATC Management B.V.

+31 20577 1177

Notice to Noteholders
Private Wealth Services